Well, we got home safe and sound, without predicament. After a decent night's sleep, Monday started 3.5 days of jury duty for me... Not only was I picked for jury duty (a first in my immediate family), but I sat as Juror the entire time, despite the possibility of being 'just' an alternate...
Our case was terrible, sad, complex, yet fascinating: A domestic battery done by a husband to his wife.... We found him guilty as charged, and not guilty for Kidnapping to the 2nd degree, due to lack of evidence.
I love serving jury. It fascinates me - the ins and outs of it.... I only did a little bit of speech and debate in high school (and didn't particularly 'love' it), and served as judge a couple years ago for the local tournaments as well, however all of my experiences with speech and debate have given me a real appreciation and understanding for the different facets of each argument presented in the courtroom, and the foundation laid for them... It is definitely something I think all kids should do--at least for a season....
Jury duty truly is a right and duty of each United States citizen. It is our opportunity to not only give back to our community, but take part of the legal proceedings which happen each day in our judicial system.
Granted, often cases include some terrible things, and conflicting things to sort through, however, God is the giver of wisdom to those who lack, and we can trust Him for it!!!
"I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour."
~ 1 Timothy 2:1-3 ~
"Justice and judgement are the habitation of Thy throne: mercy and truth shall go before Thy face."
~ Psalms 89:14 ~