
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

New Opportunities

Monday, I officially started work at Pinkerton Retirement Specialists -- my father's financial advisory firm. A position opened up for me to work part-time there, as a Record Security Retention Officer (RSRO..or "Security Officer" for short) ;). My job is specialized to helping bring our administrative systems up-to-date with current organizational software technology...which involves paperwork, which I love. :)

My cousin Luke (who just recently married my bestie-Selah) is training me, and since we have similar personalities, I think we will be a productive and {potentially dangerously?} dynamic team. :)
This job opportunity has been a while in coming, as I was asked to consider the position back in November, but didn't have the time to think about it yet with Belize, the Cantata play, Christmas, Luke and Selah's wedding, and then the Retreat... Even when I did, I didn't think much on the 'how long' when faced with the question during my interview of if I was willing to commit for a year, I had to think on it....
Am I willing? That means I'd be "stuck" in Idaho until February 10th, 2015! No big mission trips or longer-term ministry opportunities out-of-state... Nothing like I've been doing for the past 4 years....
Yes, I'm willing--I've prayed deeply about this, and I really feel that this is where God wants me right now--filling this need and deepening the relationships with those I work with.

Honestly, I have no clue where I will be in a year--I'm almost 21, and a lot can what a more opportune time to serve at my father's real business (as I've worked for him on the ranch for 9 years), than right now?!

"Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest."
~ Ecclesiastes 9:10 ~

What are you living for? What are you doing today and tomorrow that will count for eternity?
Are you living purposefully for Jesus?

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Sarah! So happy for you dear; in this new opportunity to shine brightly for Christ, may you always be aware of His great love for you, and may you continue to follow his lead each step of the way, come what may! I'm guessing that you will fit in perfectly there, and that there are many good times & growing opportunity's ahead for you in this season of life! Blessings to you sister!


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