
Sunday, December 9, 2012

2nd Week sa Bukid

As I mentioned in my last post, I spent another week in Subait after Bagio Pablo: spending 2 days at Pastor Ernesto's, before relocating to Angel's family's home (a girl I was discipling last year) for a day, and finishing by spending the next day at Ate´Elaina's home.
Pastor Ernest, Ate Carmen and me
Because of Ate´Carmen's overprotectiveness, I knew beforehand that going back to Pastor Ernesto's home would be challenging, however, I asked God to give me continued strength, grace, and tact, and to speak through me, as well as give me an understanding heart. Well, praise God, He did. He gave me eyes to see the beautiful side of Ate´Carmen. He showed me her heart - full of love, and I could see the reason why Pastor fell in love with her 25 years ago..besides being pretty--inside and out, she was a hard worker, and the love of God was in her...
The Via Home in the Jungle (Porch is on left, then my room, then their room, and lastly the kitchen--the charred area)
Because of the Bagio, plans were made that Thursday, after Bong and Jemil left to continue their route, we would cut the felled trees down and haul them out using the caribao. So, we went across the creek and started logging...or more accurately, the guys started logging.. I had just started getting their process figured out and started helping, when Ate´Carmen (who was worrying and fretting) brought me back up to the balay, told me to stay inside, locked the door, and returned across the river to help them...
Periodically, she came back to check on me (to make sure I wasn't kidnapped ;p), and went back down.
I was amused over the whole thing (though a little frustrated too), but considered going down after an hour or two, but decided it wasn't worth the worry on her part, and so spent my time cleaning up the house, making some food, reading my Bible, praying, memorizing, journaling, learning Visayan, and studying my medical book and other study materials I brought. What wonderful fellowship I had with God!!
My room :)
That night, I did talk to Pastor about it, and he tried to explain that she was just worried that I might get hurt, and I again explained why I came to the Bukid--to help them, not to be a perpetual house guest who wasn't allowed to do anything... He understood, but kinda left things as it was..because Carmen is a hard one to cross.... ;)

My next challenge was Friday, when I needed to leave for Angel's jome. For some reason, Ate´Carmen seemed to have a large bone of contention with Angel's family.. Maybe partially because they are Pentecostal and got married after their 6th child was born, pero I think it runs deeper than that...
The Via kitchen
Any time we would meet either Angel or her sister-Irish, Ate´Carmen tried to show her disapproval and would try to stop my associating with them, something I completely but graciously ignored. She also kept talking negatively about them, and tried to discourage me from staying there, though when I pursued the topic she wouldn't answer..

Anyway, realizing this, I decided to make it easier on her by prolonging my stay until after lunch (12:30pm), instead of leaving first thing in the morning. Still, she tried to delay me as much as possible.. We had company that morning, and provided a small meal (which could have either been a heavy merienda or an early lunch)...but to give her the time, I decided to wait until 'lunch time'. I was busy reading one of my medical books, when she came and informed me she was going across the creek, and told me to stay put, locking the doors behind her again. As it was only 11:30am, I figured she'd be back in a couple of hours max...
For some reason I really liked my hair that day... (I braided it nape up)
However, when she didn't show up by 1pm, I started getting concerned, and when she didn't show up by 2pm, I was starting to get frustrated, and even started contemplating walking the 3.5 km to Angel's home--not too far, and quite safe (though I knew she'd throw a fit if I walked by myself..). However, I decided to give her until 2:30pm to come back, before considering 'further measures'..and after packing my things, I walked over to the meadow overlooking the creek (still within sight of the balay) and waited there for a half hour before calling for her. Well, I guess she must have come back farther up the creek, because just as I called, I heard her yelling for Pastor to come...

 I had put all my stuff inside the door (locking it behind me), and when she didn't see my shoes outside, she panicked. We both came running,and I explained (in Visayan) that I was just in the meadow, and explained the whole situation and that I needed to leave then, otherwise I would have almost no daylight to spend with the girls, which I needed.
Looking into the house
She was upset--not wanting me to leave, and tried making up excuses to delay my departure. She said she was capoy (tired), and that we should have merienda first. I told her "Salamat Ate´, pero wala gutong nako. Ako adto sa Angel's balay na lang...tapos na!" ("Thank you Ate´, but I'm not hungry. I need to go to Angel's house already!") I again thanked them for their hospitality, their care, and also explained (again, but with more emphasis) that I am not a child or a visceta, and though I appreciate their concern, I came to serve the village, not to be protected, and that as a missionary midwife, danger is always a possibility, and that this was not the first time I have lived in the Bukid (by any means). I prayed God to give me patience, and to speak through me, because at that moment, I was struggling...
Both bedrooms (notice the hammock above--where the boys slept at night...either that or on the floor..sacrificial!!)
I've been asked why I submitted to her treating me like a child, but I guess it really came down to honor and respect. Some things are not worth fighting over..and if while I was at her home, it would ease her mind, why not appease her?? But honestly, I think God didn't allow me to realize what was happening-- that she was manipulating me, until Friday. The whole rest of the time, I was actually amused over it..yeah, I was a good bit frustrated at not being able to help do anything, but during those 2 days, I had some amazing fellowship with God...reading, praying, studying, memorizing, journaling, etc.

Anyway, after I explained (again) why I needed to leave then and tried to smooth the whole situation over (preventing hiya) by thanking them again profusely, Pastor told her we needed to go and apologized for her actions... I did volunteer to go by myself...but of course Ate´ Carmen balked at that...

As usual, she tried to force me to let her carry my backpack/bag,  which I utterly (though sweetly) refused, explaining that it was my responsibility...she didn't like that, but after Pastor backed me, and more procrastination, we finally got started, Praise God!!

It's a little awkward to be having this whole conversation in broken Visayan, hand motions, and a tad bit of English...and all I could do is hope that there were no misunderstandings... So, I made sure to try to reiterate my appreciation for her heart on our walk over. Talking to Bong later, he said that everything was good, and that they understood.
We got to Angel's home a little after 3:30pm and her family was overjoyed to see me. Ate´Carmen stayed for a while, acting as if there were was no enmity, and related the 'story', while the girls fussed over me. Shortly, the girls and I walked to the creek to rinse off. Halfway through, I realized a crowd had gathered on the bridge above us, watching our every move, and boy was that a little distracting... kinda funny too though. Some of them I knew, but most were just watching the 'pretty white lady', and envious of my interactions with the bunch of adolescent girls I was with.

Afterwards, we made dinner -- Corn Cake (made from Mais, Coconut milk, etc. and 'baked' (steamed more like it) over the fire, using a pot with 3 sardine cans full of water as the spacer, and then the bowl with batter in it on top). Namit!!!
They had just had a litter of piglets born, and it's amazing how instinct kicks in, even at a couple weeks old!!
They also killed a chicken, which we scalded, plucked, and then made chicken adobo out of. It was such a blessing to be able to help in the kitchen, work with this wonderful family (comprised of the parents, their married daughter and her 2 little girls--her bana is working in Manila, and is only able to come home ever 4-6 months, though they talk every night, and 4 of their other children (with the 4 others working other various places)), and learn more of how they do things. That night, we had good fellowship, and even had some arm wrestling matches, of which I surprisingly won quite a few (which is a surprise for me, since my weak wrists normally give out instantly...maybe they're healing!)
2 of the piglets 'playing'.. This made me laugh... I love the innocence of farm life!
Because of their large family, they all slept on the floor, except Irish and Angel (20 and 17), who got to sleep on a raised bed (which I got to share that night), that their dad had made especially for them, just because. :) So sweet!! I wish I had taken pictures of it all...I don't know why I didn't! :-/

Since most of them were going to a friend's wedding in Butuan the next morning (which meant leaving at 5am to walk the good 2 hours to Florida, before taking the ferry across the river and hitching a ride to Butuan.), we girls bathed in the creek at 4am (which surprisingly was pretty warm!), and wow, I'm not sure what can be lovelier...bathing in a creek, with the air being slightly crisp and foggy, and then watching the sun come up as you wring out your hair.. I just love living in the Jungle!!! It's so simple!!

That left Angel and 2 of the kids home with me and their dad (who did some repairs on the floor), and after breakfast and chores, we started a Bible Study on Proverbs 31. Angel speaks really good English, and continued teaching me proper Visayan. What a blessing it was to be there, and to actually be doing what I felt God wanted me to be doing there.. By 7am, a bunch of other girls had arrived and got to join in our Bible Study. We also continued memorizing Bible verses, sang and learned new songs, and played games. Last week, I had promised to paint Angel's nails, but that quickly turned into full blown (simple) mani/pedicures for 5+ girls, as well as brushing and braiding all their hair as well... What a blessing to have more little sisters!!

However, I do have to note that journaling (private) things sure is hard when you have a bunch of English reading girls looking over your shoulder!!! Lol... Made me grateful for the little bit of alone time I had at Ate´Carmen's. ;P

That afternoon, I transferred Ate´Elaina's home (which, as I was setting the pace, we made it in 20 minutes!). It was hot outside, and so I treated them all to OJ (though since it was brownout, we didn't have ice), and then after saying goodbye to my 3 walking companions, I focused my attentions on Ate´Elaina's kids.... What a family of joy!!
Bong and Jemil were supposed to come at 4pm, but due to some other activities, they didn't make it until past 6pm. Meanwhile, we all went to collect Malunggay (Moringa Oleifera) & Green Papayas for dinner, which we then prepared. Ate´Carmen stopped by at 5pm, and again shared the whole story (including telling them all that she had locked me inside the house...), which they thought was ridiculous...I just kept on working on dinner. ;)
Malunggay leaves
I was worried that she might get to tell Bong all about it before I got to mention it, but thankfully she was already gone when they arrived. When he asked how it went, I just said that there were somethings that we'd want to talk about, but that it went pretty well... Well, at dinner, they informed him and Jemil that I had been locked inside, at which they turned incredulously to me, and asked if that was so, to which I said, smilingly, that it was true. Then, they asked if I cried, (haha!) which of course I didn't...but that it was definitely interesting..

Bong had a low grade fever, and had been sick for the last 2 days, and so asked me to lead Bible Study, which I did gratefully. Ate´Elaina's married son, his wife, and baby came over (he is one of the ones who I fixed up after the cycle crash last week), and boy, was it a riot of fun with them there!

I expounded on Matthew 5:13-16, which talks about us being the salt and light of the earth. From experience, I knew Filipinos absolutely love drama, and with the brownout, this was we were all using oil candles and bushel baskets are common. I didn't use salt (or asin), but they got the point.. Furthermore, I decided to read out of the Visayan Bible, which though I slaughtered a lot of the pronunciations, they enjoyed immensely.
Similar to their sorting baskets
Afterwards, we all had testimony time, and wow, what a precious memory it made, because 'Bible Study' and 'Family Time' got mixed, and we had some right good fellowship. They joked that I was a 'wak-wak' (ghost), and that started a whole long round of stories and teasing... What's more, when I used the CR that night, Mary Ann insisted on accompanying me, but was scared of the wak-wak herself, and..haha.... We had fun teasing her. XD

Sunday morning, we got up early, had personal devotions, and then went down to the creek to bathe. What a blast! It was much easier to get up and down the 'cliff' this time, though it was still muddy and slippery. Again, I helped wash the girls' hair, and conditioned it, and then after they were dressed, I brushed and braided it in a variety of ways for the Christmas/Thanksgiving Celebration at church.

Bong preached another good sermon, and immediately afterwards, we motorcycled/ferried across the river to pick up BBQ Chicken, OJ, and Ice..and got back in a record time of 55 minutes!! That was pretty fun....

Our 'feast' was full of wonderful fellowship (though unfortunately, I forgot my camera, and don't have pictures of it.. :/ ). I took complete charge of Nicole--feeding her on my lap, etc...that was so special!! She has really taken with me.. What a blessing to be able to eat with your hands!!! Besides what we brought, we also had rice and pancit --a feast!
Afterwards, we said our goodbyes, and went back to Ate´Elaina's, where we finished packing and then with a quick stop at the boarding house to drop our stuff off, drove to EG Montilla, to have church there and then another Christmas/Thanksgiving Celebration.
Driving to EG Montilla
What a very special time we had, encouraging the folks there. The turnout was pretty good this time, and they certainly spoiled me! Our feast was similar to the one earlier, but also included sagging (banana), sweet potatoes, etc.
The church at EG Montilla
A bunch of their adorable kids--waiting for panihapon (dinner) ;)
The church they are in the process of building 
Jemil adding the finishing touches to our feast
Cutest couple....
Bong, Jemil, and I -- a cord of 3 is not easily broken...
Though  there were definite struggles this week, God was SO good, and as I drew nigh to Him, He drew nigh to me, and I am so grateful for everything He taught me!!! Thank you Jesus!!! After talking to Bong, we did decide that when I go back in January, I will mostly stay at Ate´Elaina's and Angel's home, since not only is that where the girls I am discipling live, but also it is closer to where my maternity patient lives in the heart of the village, about a 15-20 minute walk away.

And wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of thy times, and strength of salvation: the fear of the LORD is his treasure.
But He giveth more grace. Wherefore He saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble. Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw nigh to God, and He will draw nigh to you.
~ Isaiah 33:6; James 4:6-8a ~


  1. Thank you for commenting and inviting me to visit your blog. You have some good topics there..


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Life Update

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