
Sunday, September 4, 2011

Home Sweet Home

I'm home now....just 5 days into it.... my family greeted me with the remnants of the stomach flu, but as they tell me, my coming home chased the 'epidemic' away. :) They had little surprises planned, which was a bunch of fun, and I was able to recuperate with getting some sleep.

My parents had planned to take me out on a 2 day/night getaway, but with the flu still in the home, we postponed it 2 weeks, for which I'm glad as I'll be able to adjust to home life for a little bit first.  Meanwhile, we 'went away' to our Peace Suite and had a delightful time doing preliminary catching up and making plans for our barn renovation. The next night, my siblings ("Faith" and "Rose"....aka Rebekah and Esther) treated us to a simple and fun "4-course dinner": Course #1: Tea, Apples, Crackers, and Cheese (cheese glorious cheese!!!), Course #2: Miso Soup with REAL Spinach!!, Course #3: Chicken and Sweet Salad (REAL lettuce of course), Course #4: Icecream and Nuts.

Today was my first Sunday back home, and a wonderful Sunday at that!!! It was Communion and Potluck Sunday, and the fellowship with my Lord and my Church body was SO sweet!!!
Jubilee's male cria....newest little name yet but coming soon!!
Many people came up to me asking if I was going to do a presentation on my I guess I may do one....that'll be interesting!!! But, it'll be easier than a speech I guess, since it's from my heart and filled with experiences. I'm pretty busy for the next few weeks, so we'll see when that will take place....

This week, Papa and David are going to Oregon on a Hunting Trip with Mr. Grassi.....that's sure to be tons of fun, and I'm looking forward to the heads and tons of meat (maybe literally??...joke lang!! ;D) that they'll bring back with them.
My sweet addition: Tekhinah Chayil
I'm hoping to wrestle some alpacas this know.....the fun stuff (among the rest): give shots, draw blood, trim toenails and teeth, and ultrasound the 'preggos'....that's going to be tons of fun....especially since it'll be with my siblings and ranch hands!! Nothing like getting back on the ranch!! Now, if I can only get back into being used to animals without allergies!! :)
6 month old Misty
I'm hoping to continue posting the last few weeks from my Philippine Trip, and then (I'm told), my family is going to make it into a book.

As to near future plans, we'll be figuring that all out in 2 weeks with my parents....and I'll hope to update you then!! As to blogging, I'll still update it every while.....maybe more than not...I'm not sure yet. Meanwhile, God bless, and follow His leading!!

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