Well, as a few of you have probably figured out, I'm catching up on blogging... Unfortunately, my shifts the last couple days, have made it such that fitting in room for blogging has been hard....especially when you're trying to skype your family too. :D On top of that, our internet has been out most of the last 2 days, due to rain storms, & other unknown causes, which has been VERY frustrating in some ways...but then, who cares.....
I just think back to when my mom went to the Philppines 30 years ago, & how though she & her family wrote letters back & forth the 7 weeks she was there, neither parties received the letters before she got home, so she has zilch contact with her family!!!! I am so blessed...& spoiled!!!
Me & Annie in the Birth Clinic (she was coming off of Night Shift)
We did Day Shift (6am-2 pm): Jordan & I. There were no actual births on our shift, though there were 2 gals that ended up being transported to the hospital. :( Also, 1 labor was endorsed to the Swing Shift. We also did some well-baby/postpartum check-ups, etc. though I was very involved in one of the gal's labor (one who was transported).
I was able to go in the MMC Ambulance with her, & was in charge of making sure her IV fluids didn't fly around too much, & that she didn't fall off her seat (her hubby was across from her, holding one side, & I was seated next to her.). :D (It was definitely an "Ambulance Ride"....imagine, the vehicle's horn is going off constantly, there are a lot of quick starts/stops, & sometimes you're in the oncoming traffic's lane!!!
I don't remember much of what I did the rest of the day....I think I slept a good bit, & read some books, mostly midwifery & biographies (my favorite). Then, when Lydia & Stephanie got off shift at 10 pm, I had just finished reading another book, & we 3 felt like celebrating, so we had some leftover Spaghetti from dinner (Annie makes the BEST Spaghetti--from scratch too--EVER!!!!), & Coffee Icecream (the best ever!! It has a bunch of other stuff in it too....)