
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Belize Mission Prayer Calendar

Unlike other years, the countdown is not for 0000, January 1, 2014 this year!!
In just a few hours, 30 of us will be preparing to board a flight that will take us to Belize. I can hardly believe the time is come...after 7 months of preparations.

In some ways, my sister and I are missing a lot - our cousin's wedding, seeing all the family and friends that will attend, many of which we haven't seen for years, wedding preparations for my other cousin and close friend, our daddy's birthday....
But you know, when God has called you to something,  nothing can stop it!!
Here is a short prayer calendar for all those who would be willing to pray for us. We desperately need and beg for your prayers!!
"The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much."
~ James 5:16 ~
Wednesday, January 1
 - Pray for safe travel to Spokane, then Houston
 - Pray for smooth transfers to the hotel and back
Thursday, January 2
 - Pray for safe travel to Belize City, then Belmopan
 - Pray for easy clearance through customs without high duty costs
 - Pray for the team as they prepare to start the Building Project
Friday & Saturday, January 3 & 4
 - Pray for team safety on the Building Project worksite
 - Pray for effective seminars (Pastors & Ladies)
 - Pray for a successful Men's Meeting and BBQ
Sunday, January 5 (Church at Roaring Creek)
 - Pray for Paul as he speaks in the church service
 - Pray for the informal ministry with adults & children
 - Pray for rest as the team tours the Mayan ruins
Monday - Friday, January 6-10
 - Pray for safety on the Building Project during the day
 - Pray for Children's VBS each evening
 - Tues/Thurs: Pray for the chapel service at the government school
Saturday, January 11
 - Pray for the Building Project on its final day
 - Pray for good response to the VBS & Children's ministry
 - Pray for an effective Counseling Seminar
Sunday, January 12 (Church at Belmopan)
 - Pray for Paul as he speaks in the church service
 - Pray for informal ministry with adults and children
Monday, January 13
 - Pray for safety & refreshment as the team visits the island
Tuesday, January 14
 - Pray for team as they pack up and travel to Denver
 Wednesday, January 15
 - Pray for safe travel to Spokane & HOME!

Building Project
 - Pray for wisdom for each day's work
 - Pray for safety from injuries and exhaustion in the heat
 - Pray against interruptions and delays
 - Pray for Joseph (leader) and team members (including Rachel & I)

Pastor's Seminar & Counseling Seminar (Saturdays, Jan. 4, 11)
 - Pray for wisdom for Paul as he ministers to the pastors (1/4)
 - Pray for Paul and Roycee presenting biblical counseling (1/11)
 - Pray that those attending will apply the material in their culture

Children's VBS (Monday-Friday evenings, January 6-10)
 - Pray for children to be saved and grow in Jesus
 - Pray for good discipline to enable learning
 - Pray for Mary Beth (leader) and team members

Men's Encouragement Night (Friday evening, January 3)
 - Pray for good attendance and receptive hearts and minds
 - Pray that meant will understand the need to take responsibility

Marion's Children's Outreach (Mon-Fri, Jan. 6-10)
- Pray for the team members helping with the children
-  Pray for the needy children being reached through this ministry

Ladies' Conference (Fri-Sat, Jan. 3-4)
 - Pray for Roycee to speak clearly and practically
 - Pray that ladies will grasp the material and apply it in their culture

 - Heading laundry and cleaning, helping with medical issues and technical/video records
 - Piano accompaniment during different events (ie. ladies' conference, etc.)
 - Creativity and joy in leading VBS music/playing in Joseph drama (as "mean brother" ;P)
 - General health and stamina (and no muscle injuries!!)
 - Wisdom, humility, patience, and discretion, for those 4 I lack.

- That God would prepare the hearts of the young women she will be teaching, that He would speak through them, and that the girls' hearts would be receptive to the truth. (These young women have had very rough lives, for their young years...)

Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and Godly fear: for our God is a consuming fire.
~ Hebrews 12:28-29 ~

New Year's Eve Update

There is so much I want to write about, however, time is short, and I fear it shall have to wait until I return.... Let me just say that I saw God move mightily in the Passion and Purpose Retreat last weekend....not only in my life, but in others as well.  We had some precious fellowship, incredible praise and worship, and blessed time with our Saviour, King, and Redeemer!!
Unfortunately, this is one of the only photos I have of the retreat--talk about lame, I know...
But at least we have something!!!
It was so neat to be able to spend time with other believers discovering truths that truly set the captives free!! What a precious thing for brothers and sisters in Christ to do!
A beautiful (slightly enhanced ;) sunset
Sunday afternoon, after church, we all crashed, and I do believe we would have slept straight through until Monday morning if we didn't have a special commitment that night--my grandparent's just celebrated their 62nd wedding anniversary!!! What an incredible legacy in this age of divorce and unfaithfulness... We truly are blessed!
Yesterday, Rachel and I scrambled around getting everything packed in time for the packing party at church last night... I am happy to say I got everything packed, and now just have some final details to wrap up (leaving time to blog of course.. ;p)

We really have a blessed team going down there--we all love God, and really want to take responsibility for our part, which will make it easier on all of us.

I would appreciate prayers--for me personally.. Yesterday, I came across my Filipino phone, with all my messages from a year gone by...
One year ago, I was in the Philippines--looking forward to 2 more months of ministry in the Jungle. I was celebrating the new year with friends, when my medical emergency happened, and in a whirlwind of events, I found myself on a flight headed home, instead of heading up North to the Bukid..
Just over 1 year ago....
I realized yesterday, that as much as I am anticipating serving the Belizean people, it's also hard, as my heart is really longing to be with "my people" - those on the island of Mindanao. This last weekend, I found myself speaking in Visayan and writing the same, and memories are just pouring back.
Right after giving out Christmas Dinner, gifts, and the Gospel to over 200 kids in Southern Cotabato
God really has helped me cultivate a heart of contentment (not that I don't struggle sometimes!), and I know He has a perfect plan, and I do believe that my time serving the Filipinos is not over. However, I would appreciate prayer that I would be able to completely embrace every aspect of my time in Belize, with a whole heart, nothing wavering.  I don't want ANYTHING holding me back from serving God down there, and being a part of the team -- no matter what my other mission experiences have been like.
It seems so weird to just be bringing various medical supplies, and leaving my beloved doppler, fetoscope, midwifery books, scrubs, and all of my supplies with me... So much of what I will be bringing was loved on in the Philippines--it is so different not to be going back there...

Praise God for His never-ending and always enduring mercy!!!
Na hidlaw sa ko imo, akong Pilipinas!!!

A few of us were practicing last night for a special number to be played in Belize, and the words ministered deeply:
With my whole heart I humbly seek You
Now use my life, O Lord, I pray
I yield my stubborn will completely
May your commandments light my way.

Your Word has promised me the vict'ry
And all I need to do is claim
Your strength, to soar with wings as eagles
To walk, to run, and not to faint.

My life is Yours to control
I give You my heart and my soul
I'll seek Your will, never mine
Rich treasure to find.
Give wisdom to choices I make
Along ev'ry path that I take
So when I complete life's race
"Well done" You will say.

"How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!"
~ Isaiah 52:7 ~

Friday, December 20, 2013

Passionate Purpose Singles Retreat

Over the course of the past few months, my family and I have been discussing how we could best encourage those in our community who are striving to serve the Lord. When 4 of my siblings came back from working with In The Gap this past September, they (specifically Rachel) returned with a vision of re-creating a 3-day retreat similar to what they attended during their initial training.

Thus, introducing:
Passion and Purpose Singles Retreat
December 26th - 29th, 2013

We look forward to seeing all singles, 15 years and older there! We are starting to fill up pretty fast, so please Register ASAP!

Be thou partakers of the afflictions of the Gospel, according to the Power of God; Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own Purpose and Grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began.”
- 2 Timothy 1:8-9 -

Life Update

5 months have passed since my last major update, and lots has happened. Namely, we welcomed baby #2 and #3 into our lives shortly after Chri...